WP 1 - exchange platforms with farmers in Baden-Württemberg & Thuringia
Multi-level Exchange Platforms for Biodiversity Conservation in Agricultural Landscapes
Article: Multi-level Exchange Platforms for Biodiversity Conservation in Agricultural Landscapes , Social Innovations Journal Vol. 22 (2023)
Report: Barriers to implementation of environmental measures on agricultural land in Thuringia and Baden-Württemberg: Results of scoping interviews and first exchange platforms in the context of project CAP4GI (German only)
WP5 - Individual-based Modelling & Collection of ecological data
Policy Briefs
CAP4GI-Einblicke 01/2024
CAP4GI-Einblicke 08/2023
Arbeitspakete 2 und 3: Sozio-ökonomische Untersuchung
Entscheidungen und Präferenzen von Landwirt*innen verstehen
Arbeitspaket 4: ABM
Wie verändern alternative Ansätze der Förderung von Umweltmaßnahmen die Landschaft? Einblicke in ein sozial-ökonomisches Modell
Arbeitspaket 5:
Wie reagiert die Natur? Ein Computermodell als Entscheidungshilfe für eine naturfreundliche Landwirtschaft
CAP4GI online discussion, March 2, 2023 (in German)
Zum Newsbeitrag über die Online-Diskussionsrunde
Vortrag "GAP - aktuelle Herausforderungen" - Sebastian Lakner
Vortrag "Neue GAP, neue Chancen" - Guy Pe'er
Vortrag "Einführung CAP4GI" - Sarah Velten
Transformations Conference 2023, Prague, July 12 to 14 2023
ECEM 2023 - European Conference on Ecological Modeling, September 4-8, 2023 & GfÖ Annual Meeting 2023 September 12 to 16, 2023, both in Leipzig
FEdA-Statuskonferenz, Frankfurt/online, May 13 2024 (in German)
Presentation of first results and lessons learned of CAP4GI (in German)
Parliamentary Breakfast, 14 May 2024, Berlin
Persefone.jl - Website for the socio-ecological model, which is being developed by the CAP4GI project partner Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research / Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (UFZ/iDiv). The model simulates agricultural practice, plant growth and biodiversity at the landscape level and represents a link between previously separately conceptualised socio-economic and ecological models.