First state-level exchange platforms in Thuringia and Baden-Württemberg
Date |
Time |
March 2023
Location |
Thuringia and Baden-Württemberg
Audience |
invited farmers
Organizer |
Lake Constance Foundation and Wildtierland Hainich gGmbH
In March, a first farmers from the three project regions in each of the German federal states of Thuringia and Baden-Württemberg will come together for a first exchange. The Lake Constance Foundation invited farmers from the three project regions in Baden-Württemberg (Bodensee, Hohenlohe, Upper Rhine) to meet on March 16; Wildtierland Hainich gGmbH called farmers from the Thüringer Becken, Ostthüringer Buntsandsteingebiet, and Eichsfeld for an exchange on March 30, 2023.
At these platforms on state-level, farmers will first sum up the perspectives of the different regions on the obstacles to implementation of biodiversity enhancing measures. In a second part, external speakers will present two alternative models to organise implementation of agro-environmental and climate protection measures. Participants will also discuss the specific advantages and disadvantages of these alternative models for their regions.
Together with the results of the previous meetings within each of the altogether six project regions, the state-level platform meetings will provide a basis for the next platform meetings where suggestions will be developed to help tackle current problems with the implementation of agro-environmental measures.