
Project news

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Exchange with farmers

Second regional platform meeting in Baden-Württemberg: How to make it better?

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04.12.2023 - Old problems and new visions: The second regional platform meetings took place in Baden-Württemberg over the last two weeks. In the three project regions of Lake Constance, Hohenlohe and Northern Upper Rhine, proposals for improvements to the CAP were jointly developed. After the first

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Exchange with farmers

Thuringian farmers work on solutions

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22. 11. 2023 - In search of solutions: The second round of regional platform meetings with farmers in the three project regions Eichsfeld, Thuringian Basin and Eastern Thuringian Red Sandstone Region took place in Thuringia from 13-15 November. The events were organised by the Natura 2000-Station

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Progress of the project

New website for the socio-ecological model of CAP4GI

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17.11.2023 - A lot has happened in the last few months: The new socio-ecological computer model called Persefone.jl is not yet finished, but is making rapid progress. There is now also a website to present and document the model.

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