
Project news

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Recap of CAP4GI cooperation event

EU agricultural policy, butterflies, and an appeal

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February 19, 2024 - What do butterflies have to do with EU agricultural policy? How can agriculture and nature conservation work together to tackle challenges in land use? What contribution does science make to clearing up misinformation and implementing a knowledge-based agricultural policy?

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CAP4GI Insights

New CAP4GI Insight into the first results of our exchange with farmers

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January 31, 2024 - Let's listen. Many farmers would be willing to implement more measures to preserve biodiversity on their farms. So why is it that too few measures have actually been implemented so far? 

CAP4GI asks farmers in Baden-Württemberg and Thuringia this question at the exchange platforms

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New project publication

CAP4GI exchange platforms and their potential for transformation

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10.01.2024 - Innovative start to the new year. The time has come: the first scientific article from the CAP4GI project was published at the end of 2023. In the article, members of the project team present the implementation of exchange platforms with farmers in Baden-Württemberg and Thuringia. The

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