External experts advise "CAP4GI - GAP für vielfältige Landschaften"
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The project team of CAP4GI met for the first time with its advisory board composed of a diversity of experts. The members of the advisory board come from landscape managemenet (Jana Apel, Landschaftspflegeverband Mittelthüringen), research (Doris Chalwatzis, Institute for Agro-ecology and Biodiversity - ifab; Prof. Dr. Anna Cord, TU Dresden & coordinator of FEdA project ECO2SCAPE), consultancy (Lisa Diehl, Stiftung Kulturlandschaft Rheinland-Pfalz, advises a farm in Hohenlohe within F.R.A.N.Z-Projekt), ministries (Heike Hespe & Matthias von Wuthenau, Ministry for Food, Rural Areas, and Consumer Protection Baden-Württemberg), nature conservation (Laura Henningson, Nature And Biodiversity Conservation Union - NABU) and farmer organisations (Anja Nußbaum, Thüringer Bauernverband).
One focus of the half-day online meeting on March 10, 2023 was on gettingto know each other and providing the newly funded advisory board with a better and deeper understanding of the project and its status quo. Additionally, a large part of the programme was dedicated to discussions about the project, its working packages, approach, and public relations. These discussions were especially valuabel for the project team as they received many valuable questions and insights for the implementation of the project. Central to the discussion were questions of the effective communication of project results to different stakeholders.
The CAP4GI team thanks the advisory board very much for their time and expertise that they made available for the project! We are looking forward to the next advisory board meeting (expected in winter 2023/24)!